Meet our



Specialising in Yin, Jacqui offers classes to all levels of yogis with a warm and educational approach. Often, her classes will have a theme or focus, such as spinal release or yin with crystal singing bowls.

Jacqui teaches yin and Vinyasa flow classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays.

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When I came to yoga I was very cynical. I was just hoping for more flexibility and less tightness. My journey with yoga has surpassed that in so many magnificent ways.

My love of this practice came with my first Yin Yoga class - I was immediately hooked. Understanding the logic behind the long held poses and connecting with my true essence. Feeling the benefit in my body after only a few weeks of a committed practice, yoga found its way into me - mind, body and soul ( bit of a cliché but absolutely true).

2017 I completed my teacher training and now run classes in Yin, Vinyasa, Chair, Kids and trauma sensitive Yoga. In 2021 I commenced studies in Meditation and now run classes on how to meditate in an effortless way.

I am blessed to be working in a wonderful community as the Hawkesbury, and am grateful for everyone I meet.

Jane the Yoga Shed


Jane’s passion for yoga and inventiveness makes her classes fly by. Expect classes with a mix of vinyasa flow, core work, inversions, partner work and a lovely meditation.

Jane teaches flow classes on Fridays .

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My love of dance and movement as a child followed me into adulthood, and yoga has complemented perfectly. Breath and Movement, an integral part of life, whether one is still or flowing.

Over the many years of my wanderlust, I have always managed to keep in touch with both. For the last 10 years I have been learning the Middle Eastern style of Oriental Dance, with the Hathor Dance Company. My passion for yoga resumed with the opening of the Yoga Shed, and in 2014 I started a teacher training course with James and Michele Sierra at Baulkham Hills Yoga studio.

For me yoga is not a religion, but a way of life. There is no one size fits all. It benefits everyone and discriminates none.



“Community is created when we come together bringing honesty, respect, and kindness to support an awakening of the sacred”

- Jack Kornfield
